Legal, Compliance and Privacy Center

Discover the Spryker Legal, Compliance and Privacy Center — a central hub providing you with comprehensive information and documentation on our legal framework, compliance and privacy standards.

Find the information you need on Legal, Compliance and Privacy.


Learn about Spryker's legal documents. These outline the Terms and Conditions that govern the use of Spryker Services and help you understand the contractual obligations between you and Spryker.


Learn about Spryker’s compliance practices and policies. These outline the standards and controls that are in place and maintained for Spryker Services.


Learn about data protection at Spryker. Learn how Spryker processes personal data of and on behalf of its Customers.

Compliance at Spryker

„Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, …“ :

A black and white cartoon-style goat stands upright on two legs, wearing round glasses and a graduation cap. It holds a stack of books in one arm and gestures with the other hand.

Privacy at Spryker

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eleifend suscipit condimentum. Nullam scelerisque eleifend congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam ut lorem dapibus enim congue pellentesque id eu urna. Fusce at posuere ex. Proin et dui et nisi dapibus feugiat non tempus metus. Duis ac augue ante. Sed condimentum eros ac dolor ultricies, et egestas nibh placerat. In volutpat velit sed ipsum maximus venenatis.

  • Sed quis enim sollicitudin, lacinia est vitae, egestas sapien. Phasellus malesuada interdum ligula in condimentum.
Quisque vitae dictum libero, ornare iaculis leo. Phasellus id consequat mauris, sit amet lobortis diam. Ut sit amet tellus augue. Fusce at volutpat odio, eu ornare justo. Cras mi ante, congue at lorem non, accumsan malesuada nulla.

A cartoonish goat standing on two legs, wearing a graduation cap and glasses, with its hoof under its chin in a thoughtful pose. The goat has black and white fur and is set against a plain black background.

Our Legal and Compliance team is here to help you

If you have any questions to the Spryker legal, compliance and privacy documents, please email us at [email protected]