Gartner urges CIOs to expand their IT strategy beyond digitization through Composability

Composability offers CIOs significant value, enabling quick response to market needs and reducing IT costs. According to Gartner, embracing Composability can cut new feature delivery time by up to 80% and reduce IT costs by up to 30%. Composable Commerce lets businesses combine tech capabilities, creating new revenue streams and improving agility, competitiveness, and innovation.

Organizations that have adopted a composable approach will outpace their competitors by 80% in terms of speedy implementation of new features

Gartner, Composable Commerce Must Be Adopted for the Future of Applications

Read on to understand the manifold benefits of Composability that Gartner research has shown, or access the Composable Commerce Bundle directly


What is Composable Commerce?

- Andy Hoar, Leading Authority on B2B eCommerce Business & Strategy
Composable Commerce describes the best-of-breed concept of weaving together a collection of modular and functionally complete Packaged Business Capabilities (e.g., search, PIM, payments solutions) to deliver a differentiated digital commerce experience.
Everything CIOs need to know about Composable Commerce
A diagram titled "Future-Ready" features five interconnected icons representing right-scoped growth, a composable commerce technology foundation, everything customer, an adaptable workforce, and any-scale operations.

The Gartner C-Suite Guide: Accelerate Digital for Future-Ready Business

Prior technology innovations are now basic business requirements. Merely executing digital transformation at the speed of business is no longer enough; businesses must focus on digital acceleration to keep up with technological advancements.

"Build a composable technology foundation based on a modernized data and technology core that lowers costs and provides agility." - The Gartner C-Suite Guide: Accelerate Digital for Future-Ready Business

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CIOs and technology executives who use Composability to deal with continuing business disruption make their enterprises more adaptive and resilient. They make more sustainable, meaningful contributions to the enterprise

Result of a Gartner survey of more than 2500 CIOs and IT leaders. Read the survey results here:The Gartner 2022 CIO Agenda: Make Composability Your Superpower

Four strategic benefits of Composable Commerce

Based on Forbes Technology Council, How Composable Commerce Can Impact B2B Sales

Achieve better adaptability and responsiveness.

A composable approach enables organizations to control, customize and scale the platform as they like.

Overcome technology skills shortages.

Precomposed PBCs don’t require any code to be developed from scratch, freeing up in-house teams to focus their skills on higher-value tasks.

Free yourself from vendor lock-in.

Composable commerce allows customizing the tech stack by adding and removing components from multiple vendors as and when required.

Create better experiences.

According to McKinsey, two-thirds of corporate buyers now favor digital engagement at every stage of the purchasing journey.

Gartner's Critical Capabilities For Digital Commerce

Gartner recognizes Spryker as #1 in Composable Commerce

In the 2022 Gartner® Critical Capabilities for Digital Commerce, Spryker ranked #1 out of 18 vendors for the Composable Commerce Use Case. We are convinced that the future of commerce is composable, but don’t just take our word for it: If you have a Gartner subscription, reach out to Gartner for more information on Composable Commerce in general or Spryker in particular.

Want these and more studies, facts and figures around the importance of Composability? Our Composable Commerce Bundle contains everything CIOs need to know about Composable Commerce

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