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Composable Commerce With Spryker

How is Spryker supporting Composable Commerce?

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Composable Commerce or Headless?

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A dark, empty image with no visible details or distinguishable features could serve as the perfect backdrop for a sleek B2B Pricing Spryker Demo.

Customers & Analysts love Spryker.

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Benefits of Spryker's Composable Commerce technology.

  • Tile with employee working on a laptop

    Director of eCommerce

    Rapidly respond to shifting business landscapes
    Outsmart competition by responding to market trends and customer expectations quickly and flexibly. Composable commerce offers increased agility over monolithic architectures.

    Less need to develop from scratch
    Access best-of-breed solutions via third-party applications and a variety of accelerators. Pre-composed solutions adhere to best practices and offer access to features and capabilities at a fraction of the time and effort it takes tech teams to implement them from scratch.

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  • order management spreadsheet example

    IT Executive

    Overcome deficit in Tech skills
    Leveraging composable commerce technology requires less time and energy from in-house tech teams. With tech talent becoming a rarer commodity, focus your team’s skills on more pressing issues elsewhere.

    No ties to a single vendor
    Composabe commerce erases vendor lock-in risk. By allowing components to be added or removed over time, when needed, you only need to work with vendors who currently add benefit to your offering.

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  • A person is viewing the Spryker Careers website on both a smartphone and a laptop. The site focuses on providing digital commerce solutions.

    Sales team

    Offer bespoke commerce experiences
    Tailor commerce experiences, regardless of how complex the business requirements. Offer services specific to your audience, with customized marketing and personalized retention campaigns to reduce customer turnover.

    Tap into new audiences
    The flexibility offered with composable commerces means new applications can be easily added, allowing possibilities to target new customers, channels and markets.

    Speak to an expert
  • Tile with employee working on a laptop
  • order management spreadsheet example
  • A person is viewing the Spryker Careers website on both a smartphone and a laptop. The site focuses on providing digital commerce solutions.

Want to Know More About Composable Commerce?

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