Globus launched its Click & Collect (also commonly known as Curbside Pickup)  service in spring 2020 with the aim of making it an essential part of its hypermarket business, which was jeopardized by the partner’s insolvency just a few months after it began. However, with Spryker and solution partner KPS, Globus was able to relaunch the Click & Collect offering in just 14 days and create a solution that, with its flexibility, also solidifies the company’s role as an innovation driver in the long term.


Food & Beverage

0 Weeks
Items per Order


Introducing Globus

Globus is a German family business that was founded over 190 years ago. Today, Globus operates a total of 47 hypermarkets in the food retail sector in Germany, which for many people are not only a place to shop, but also a leisure and meeting place in the region. The company has been offering its customers a special variety of innovative products for years and is continuously investing in the expansion of digital services such as Click & Collect with an eye to the future.

Store shopping counter
Geometric shape background

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Digital Frontrunner for Hypermarkets

Globus recognized the importance and potential of digital commerce in the grocery sector early on and is working to expand its online offering into a key component of the company. The large-scale operator is a digital pioneer in the grocery industry in many areas and, for example, offers its customers the self-scanning service Scan & Go, which allows them to scan and process their purchases using a mobile device without having to take them out of the shopping cart at the checkout. Globus is also increasingly noticing the ROPO (Research Online, Purchase Offline) effect in the grocery environment as well. Due to the effects of the Corona pandemic, these services were further expanded and the pick-up service for customers, the so-called Click & Collect offer, gained strategic importance for the company.

Person scanning a bag of Globus coffee beans with a handheld barcode scanner in a supermarket aisle, with a shopping cart in the background.

Even though online food retailing currently accounts for only 1.5-2% in Germany, it is crucial to set the right course now. It is particularly important for us to use forward-looking technology that grows with us and our requirements.

Daniel Richter Director Multichannel, Globus Hypermarket Holding


Setback During the Lockdown

With its Click & Collect offering, Globus was well positioned to meet the challenges of a lockdown. However, when the partner filed for insolvency, the hypermarket operator faced a short-term setback. Abandoning the pickup service was not an option for the company though, because Covid-19 made it particularly important and urgent to be able to continue serving customers with little contact. Quick action was needed to find a new commerce technology for Click & Collect and get it live in just two weeks.

A woman in a wine store pours red wine into a glass for another woman. The store, named Globus, has labeled sections and shelves filled with various wine bottles.

Even though we had little time to make a decision, it should still offer a long-term perspective. And it quickly became clear to us that Spryker would provide us with the greatest innovative power and flexibility in the future.”

Daniel Richter Director Multichannel, Globus Hypermarket Holding


Click and Collect in 14 Days

Globus had clear priorities when starting with Spryker. A pickup service was to be established within the time window of two weeks, which could be continued without interruption or significant loss in service quality. Globus benefited from the fact that much of the required functionality was already available in the standard Spryker
Cloud Commerce OS: time slot management and blocking, automated emails, and the basics of a picking app for customers. This made it possible to meet the required time-to-market of two weeks and to further develop the picking app in a timely manner. As a result, Globus found itself at nearly 100 percent of the performance of the previous solution in most respects by the time of go-live already.

A computer screen displays a webpage from Globus, showing options for selecting pickup dates and time slots, along with a note about limited availability.

Based on my experience, I didn‘t think it was possible to go live in such a short time. The technology and the absolute will of everyone involved made this possible.”

Daniel Richter Director Multichannel, Globus Hypermarket Holding


Making the Impossible Possible

Globus has done it and created a new Click and Collect solution together with solution partner KPS and the Spryker Cloud Commerce OS in only 2 weeks. The service now inspires
the end customers with its uncomplicated operation. Even more important for Globus, however, is the fact that the new commerce technology enables them to quickly release new solutions in order to gather learnings and further develop their e-food offering in a targeted manner. As a result, Globus now has the flexibility, control and speed it needs to remain a leader in e-food in the long term.

Laptop displaying a webpage for the Globus grocery pick-up service. The page features promotional text about exciting new services and product offerings from Globus.

Due to the complexity of the requirements on both the product and customer side, e-food is the Champions League of e-commerce for me and with the functionalities Spryker offers there, you are well positioned as a company.”

Daniel Richter Director Multichannel, Globus Hypermarket Holding


KPS as Strong Implementation Partner

KPS is a leading consulting partner for retailers in matters of innovative digital strategies and end-to-end processes. As a Spryker Platinum Partner, KPS supports Globus with an agile team and holistic consulting expertise. With experience and close collaboration between Globus, Spryker and KPS, the project was realized in record time. However, KPS continues to advise Globus on all touchpoints of the customer journey, because Click & Collect has laid a foundation for the further sacralization of digital business.

A diamond-shaped logo showcases the letters "KPS" in blue with an orange dot inside the letter "P", centrally positioned, evoking a sense of connectedness akin to a globus.
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Powered by AWS

Thanks to AWS, Spryker was able to fulfill the customer's needs, when they needed it to make it a success. The composability on AWS is crucial to deliver the highest level of flexibility for customer requests. It allows the customer to select the best-of-breed components they need, which will work seamlessly and reliably straight away, thanks to Spryker being a truly composable platform and the high levels of service AWS has. Due to AWS, the onboarding takes from as little as 4 hours to 1-2 days, compared to months previously. With the Spryker Cloud Commerce OS solution, built on AWS, Spryker can scale computational and storage resources to accommodate the customer's goals.

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