23 Jun - 23 Jun 2021

Spryker OnAir – E-Commerce in China


Panoramic view of a dense urban skyline with numerous high-rise buildings and skyscrapers near a large body of water, boats visible on the water, under a partly cloudy sky. In this bustling e-commerce hub in China, the city thrives day and night.

How to do e-commerce in China

This episode is all about the e-commerce market in China. Watch the recording and learn from Kai Ding (E-commerce Expert in China) what enterprises need to consider when planning a go-to-market in China, what entry barriers exist and what major trends he sees in China. Kai also put his focus on livestream commerce and livestream shopping.

About Kai Ding

Kai has a profound knowledge of operative and strategic for online marketing and eCommerce for Chinese and western markets. Some examples of his specialties: Online marketing, Leadership, China business consulting, fashion e-commerce, international B2C e-commerce, SEM, SEO, cross-channel marketing, marketing plan, online branding, conversion optimization, affiliate marketing, leadership quality, and natural communication skills.