Image of a publication titled "Spryker Go Beyond: Driving Digital Growth through Ecommerce and International Expansion," featuring a sailboat on a serene blue background. Image of a publication titled "Spryker Go Beyond: Driving Digital Growth through Ecommerce and International Expansion," featuring a sailboat on a serene blue background.

Driving Digital Growth through International Expansion

Opportunities, strategies and technological solutions to grow your e-commerce across borders

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White Paper Overview

Spryker helps companies in a wide range of industries and situations to bring their digital commerce business models to new markets. Many questions and pitfalls come up during that process, which is exactly where this guide is designed to help you.

Learn about opportunities such as

Growth and perspectives

Business efficiency

Robustness through versatility

Reputation and talent

This white paper is for you if you

Want to grow across borders

Look for an overview of the steps that await your business

Seek advice for the common challenges of expanding

Want to know whether your business is ready or not

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Finding the right strategy for expansion

When you have exhausted your growth opportunities at home, there isn’t only one way to expand your business. From a heap of strategies to expand, finding the one best suited for your company can be a journey and takes a lot of evaluation. 

“We use Spryker as the technological platform for our global webshop. The webshop is our main revenue channel, generating 80% of our global sales, and is being used to scale the business internationally, implement the latest features quickly and offer an excellent user experience across all devices.”

Rob Peters - Director Marketing & Sales, Lautsprecher Teufel

Taking your business across borders generally follows one of three very distinctive strategies: multidomestic, meganational or transnational. Although these strategies are primarily designed to fit offline expansion, they still inherit plenty of thoughts to elaborate for the e-commerce world as well. From the question to what degree you should localize or standardize and how your value chain has to respond to an assessment of new teams and partners, this strategic basis defines the overall scale of your expansion.

When looking into expansion strategies for e-commerce more specifically there are another three major options for your business to jet off globally: expansion with marketplaces, multi-store or through D2C.

A man with short dark hair and a beard is wearing a light blue collared shirt under a black sweater, standing in front of a mottled gray concrete wall.

Tim Thedens

Digital Commerce Expert
Tim is our expert when it comes to explaining complex issues in a way that is easy to understand for different audiences. He has a background in business psychology, a passion for technology and 5 years of experience in content creation for B2B tech.

My content idol: Dan Ariely
My content guilty pleasure: Bad puns
What you should know about my content: I talk to my fictional reader while writing.
I want your feedback when: You hated reading it more than when you loved it.
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