12 E-Commerce Growth Strategies for 2023

Learn How To Scale Digital Commerce Growth
In this white paper, we cover 12 E-Commerce Growth Strategies that will help your business innovate, penetrate new markets, test and adopt new business models, and ultimately, leverage available and ever-evolving E-Commerce technologies.-
Selling Direct to-Consumer (D2C)
Starting a Marketplace for Growth
Leveraging Social Shopping
Building a Community
... and 8 Other E-Commerce Growth Strategies
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White Paper Overview
Whether you're looking for a business strategy or a technical one, B2C or B2B, simple or complex - these 12 top growth strategies for 2023 will ensure that your e-commerce business comes out on top.
Learn about growth strategies such as
Mastering marketplaces
Selling direct-to-consumer
Disrupting your business model
Leveraging social shopping
This white paper is for you if you
Want to grow
Beat the competition
Have an agile mindset
Plan to future-proof your business
Get a sneak peek of the white paper below
But what does ‘go headless’ mean?
In essence, headless means a front and back-end which function independently and are ‘de-coupled’. This allows companies to be more agile and adaptable, and tailor their front-end with evolving customer demands. Most traditional e-commerce systems are monolithic, where the front and back-end systems are inextricably linked, and have very little room for flexibility. This is a challenge for businesses that want a more personalized and flexible user experience.
By 2023 prices for B2C digital commerce platforms will be 30% less than 2019, due to feature commoditization and “headless” implementations.”
“2021 Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce”, Gartner, 31 August 2021
Sell Direct-to-Consumer (D2C)
Often thought of as a purely B2C growth strategy, the B2B world is now also embracing D2C as a potential lucrative sales channel as part of an overall growth strategy. D2C is projected to grow by almost 20% this year, while data from 2019 suggests that 57% of consumer brand manufacturers were already embracing Direct-to-consumer.