Mastering the Complexity of B2B Pricing with Spryker

Why You Need to Read this Handout
Pricing has shifted from a commodity towards a critical success factor in B2B commerce. Technology enables enterprises to leverage a highly personalized B2B pricing strategy to a global customer base administered from one central point. In this guide the following awaits you:-
The impact and complexity of digital B2B Pricing
How technology is a true game-changer and how Spryker leverages those benefits to you
Real-life examples of Spryker customers reaching business growth thanks to a dedicated B2B pricing strategy
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Handout Overview
Global rivalry and emerging new competitors have made B2B pricing a critical success factor. What was formerly negotiated in detail in one-on-one meetings must now be made available in seconds in order not to lose customers. Technologies make it possible for different customer profiles to receive a tailored price and a personalized user experience.
In this handout you will learn:
The impact and complexity of digital B2B pricing
How technology can help you develop a customized pricing strategy
Spryker’s capabilities to ease digital B2B pricing
Real life examples from Spryker customers reaching new heights with dedicated pricing capabilities
Take-aways for mastering B2B pricing
Who should read this handout:
Business Executives
Businesses building a digital presence
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The impact and complexity of digital B2B pricing
Your prices can be influenced by many things, such as the cost of a product, order volume, currencies, logistics and customs, material prices, customer loyalty, relevance of the customer to your portfolio, competitive pressure, inventory and more. Market researches already have proven that a sophisticated pricing strategy is way more than a necessity.
Tax-Modalities and Net & Gross Pricing
Globalization offers you a lot of great opportunities to enter new markets. However, you have to be aligned with local specifications such as taxes and net and gross pricing. Combining Spryker Commerce Cloud OS with your CRM and ERP will grant you the flexibility to welcome any customer in your shop while offering the accurate price.