A brochure titled "PBCs or Microservices? The winning value proposition of a PBC platform" features a chess piece and geometric icons on the cover, illustrating the strategic advantage in choosing PBCs over microservices. Black Background with Green Diamonds Spryker

PBCs or Microservices? The winning value proposition of a PBC platform

Learn how PBCs can help build your perfect digital commerce platform.

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Why You Need to Read this Handout

This handout explains the value of a PBC approach over microservices and monoliths.


Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs)


The difference between PBCs and Microservices

Why a PBC approach is a winning solution

This handout is for you if you are

Looking for the best approach for your digital commerce platform

Interested in PBCs and/or microservices

Interested to learn about the benefits of a PBC system

The value of PBCs over microservices

While monoliths are rigid systems and microservices are granular independent units, PBCs are a future-proof bridge between the two. Based on a true best-of-breed approach, a PBC system reduces costs, accelerates scalability and time to market, and brings exceptional business value.

Stack of brochures titled "PBCs or Microservices? The winning value proposition of a PBC platform" by Spryker, featuring chess pieces and illustrated icons on the cover.

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