How to Pitch a Digital Commerce Project to Your C-Suite

Clear steps to get a yes from your boss, tailored to each department
Whether you’re pitching a greenfield e-commerce project, extended play, or looking to replatform, you’ll find all the arguments you need in this handy guide. We have 5 top tips that are relevant no matter which C-Level position you are pitching, as well as department-specific advice, to make sure you leave the boardroom with a yes! In this handout you will find:-
5 quick tips to follow when you are entering the meeting room
A summary into what matters for each C-level
Specific tips for talking points
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Handout Overview
By focusing on the values and KPIs that are most important to the department you're pitching, you're one step closer to getting the buy-in for your digital commerce project.
In this handout you will learn:
Increase customer touchpoints
Improved customer experience
This handout is for:
Digital commerce professionals
Businesses interested in digitization
Professionals seeking pitching help
Get a preview of the Handout below
Start with the value
One big common mistake is leaving the conclusion or value until the end of the presentation. Attention will wane from the moment you start, so stick your value proposition right at the beginning, and then explain why.
Tips for Pitching an E-Comm Project, by Role
The following tips focus on arguments tailored for each specific department, as every role will care about different goals and pain points. Focus on the value and KPIs which are of most interest to the relevant position to help win them over.
Flexibility: modern e-commerce solutions focus on composable commerce, meaning that you can build the platform that you want, and stay agile in a rapidly changing environment.