Handout Overview

By focusing on the values and KPIs that are most important to the department you're pitching, you're one step closer to getting the buy-in for your digital commerce project.

In this handout you will learn:


Increase customer touchpoints

Improved customer experience

Artboard 2


This handout is for:

Digital commerce professionals

Businesses interested in digitization

Professionals seeking pitching help

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Start with the value

One big common mistake is leaving the conclusion or value until the end of the presentation. Attention will wane from the moment you start, so stick your value proposition right at the beginning, and then explain why.

Tips for Pitching an E-Comm Project, by Role

The following tips focus on arguments tailored for each specific department, as every role will care about different goals and pain points. Focus on the value and KPIs which are of most interest to the relevant position to help win them over.


Flexibility: modern e-commerce solutions focus on composable commerce, meaning that you can build the platform that you want, and stay agile in a rapidly changing environment.

Benefits of Marketplaces
In summary, it can be said that, particularly in the B2B manufacturing industry, running a marketplace as the operator enables special competitive advantages. Industry expertise can be applied to create a holistic and consistent customer experience across the board.

Additionally, the product quality remains at a high level due to the controlled access of new merchants to the marketplace. Finally, it is an ideal foundation to develop further revenue streams without jeopardizing existing business processes.
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