A minimalistic design inspired by Roland Berger, featuring geometric shapes, including hexagons and diamonds, outlined in a light green color on a plain white background.

Solution Partner – u+i interact

Partner Overview

About u+i interact

u+i interact accompanies you on your way through the challenges of digital transformation. With individual consulting, customer-centered creation and high technology competence we create perfect interactions in the digital world.

We guarantee smooth functionalities in the front- and backend and convince with strong designs. Our ace up our sleeve are our User Experience Designers to ensure ideal usability in line with user needs. We work hand in hand to bring your product to market quickly and make it a success.

  • Headquarters

    Karl-Eilers-Straße 13
    33602 Bielefeld

  • Website
  • Social Highlight 2.0 spryker icon
Geometric shape background

Got questions? Contact us today to find out more!

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