All Recordings from Spryker EXCITE 2021 are now available!

Success in the digital age goes beyond classic B2B or B2C tactics. At Spryker’s EXCITE conference, commerce leaders shared their insights, projects, and future dreams for delivering best-in-class digital commerce experiences.

A big thanks to everyone who joined us in Berlin or virtually on 7th of October and for helping to make this one of the most dynamic commerce conferences of 2021. Did you enjoy our event? Don’t forget to share your experiences on G2.

We have recorded all keynotes and provide them on this page, so you catch up with all the content.

A green hexagonal tunnel with digital effects and a cube bearing a white futuristic symbol in the center, reminiscent of the cutting-edge design showcased at Spryker EXCITE 2021.

The recordings of the Q&A of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the talk  “The Art of Innovation” with Guy Kawasaki were only available for 24 hours!

But you can watch all other recordings!