Channel Conflict

Go Direct-to-Consumer while keeping your resellers happy

Reap the rewards of D2C while maintaining good relationships with your dealer network
by transforming your conflict into a partnership. Learn more about the main challenges for manufacturers going Direct-to-Consumer, and how Spryker can help you solve them.

How to solve channel conflict

Three people are standing and working at a desk in an office room with large windows. One person is writing on a paper while the other two observe, perhaps discussing channel conflict in their D2C strategy. Office supplies are visible on the desk.

Benefits & value of going D2C

By establishing a D2C route you can:

  • Create new digital sales opportunities
  • Improve brand and customer experience
  • Gain direct insights from customers
  • Improve the service of complex B2B needs

Find out more about how B2B manufacturers can establish a D2C route in partnership with your dealer network.

How to solve channel conflict

Three colleagues discuss work in a modern office. A woman on the left points at a document, the woman in the middle looks at it pensively, and the man on the right observes with a hand on his chin, likely considering the implications of channel conflict in their D2C strategy.

Find out how Spryker can help

While the need to go D2C is crystal clear, the solution for doing so without disturbing your well-established business relationships with your dealer network is not so simple. Learn how Spryker can help you to establish a Direct-to-Consumer sales channel without upsetting your resellers.

How to solve channel conflict


Quotation management