Smart Shelf

What are Smart Shelves?

Smart Shelves are an easy way to improve customer experiences. Smart Shelves can detect when something has been removed or added, and can even have sensor-like technology allowing you to understand where customers are in your store. All of this allows for a simple, yet extremely functional way to understand your customers’ specific needs.

Download our easy-to-read guide on how easy it is to implement IoT technology like Smart Shelves and the benefits it can bring your business by bridging the gap between retail and digital.

Spryker Smart Shelves 

smart shelf

Smart Shelf

Take Advantage of New Opportunities

Smart Shelves open up new avenues for your business. Make sure explore all the new opportunities.

  • Real-time inventory tracking to increase revenue
  • Better planning to help reduce wasted inventory
  • Stock optimization with real-time alerts
  • Interaction with your customers 
  • Connect with your customers at home

Find out more about how Smart Shelves can help your business.

Spryker Smart Shelves 

Four-panel illustration: top rows show a person finding an empty supermarket shelf; bottom rows depict a warehouse worker receiving a "smart storage" notification and then refilling the supermarket shelf.

Smart Shelf

Learn More

Learn how Smart Shelves work and how they will benefit your business long-term by downloading our easy-to-read guide on how easy it is to implement IoT technology with Spryker.

Spryker Smart Shelves 

A brochure titled "What is a Smart Shelf?" explaining the concept, functionality, and Spryker capabilities related to smart technology in retail environments, featuring a warehouse background image.