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Appinio Retail Reports 2022 - UK, Germany and US

Stack of Appinio Retail Reports titled "Retail Report 2022" in collaboration with Spryker, featuring illustrations of retail-related items on the cover.

Introduction to the Appinio Retail Report

We teamed up with real-time research experts Appinio for their Retail Reports 2022, three country-specific research papers featuring riveting insights and data on the state of retail shopping in Germany, the UK, and the US. Download the reports below to find out:

  • How is the retail landscape changing?

  • How are people shopping right now?

  • Has online shopping taken over offline?

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The State of Retail Shopping in 2022

How is the retail landscape changing? How are people shopping right now? Has online shopping taken over offline? These studies answer all of these questions and more. Spryker contributed to a chapter in each report with valuable insights about the customer shopping experience, such as shopping behavior, online shopping statistics, and new features like click & collect or subscriptions.

Representative sample of 2,000 participants

Appinio surveyed 2,000 people per country between the ages of 16 and 65 on their shopping habits.

The status quo of retail shopping in 2022

The report shows which channels people prefer and what is important to them when it comes to retail.

These reports are for you if you

Work in the retail industry

Need tips on how to grow and innovate your business

Have been taken aback by the sudden disruptions and changes of the last few years

Insights from the Studies

Ordering online?

The keyword is free: free delivery and free returns are considered a must.

Using the Appinio Retail Reports, this table compares consumer preferences in the UK, US, and Germany for free delivery, free returns, and next day delivery. Each aspect has a percentage for each country. Notably, the UK and US show similar trends.

Great Service is Key

Great customer service defines a high-quality shopping experience, both online and in-store

A table from the Appinio Retail Reports compares customer satisfaction aspects among the UK, US, and Germany, showing satisfaction in good customer service, variety of payment methods, and seamless online-offline experience.

The Role of Devices

The biggest shopping mall in the world is in your hands: your smartphone.

A bar chart from Appinio Retail Reports displays technology usage percentages by country (US, UK, DE, ES, FR) for Computer/Laptop, Smartphone, Tablet, and Voice Assistant. It highlights the highest usage for Smartphones at 68%-70%.
Retail report cover

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