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Click & Collect with Spryker’s B2C Capabilities

Overview of all features and use cases

A person is pushing a hand truck loaded with several cardboard boxes along a busy street. The motion blur suggests the person is moving quickly.

Unique features with Spryker’s B2C Capabilities

Spryker Cloud Commerce OS has built numerous unique features for click&collect as well as delivery shopping – delivering a mobile responsive online-shop and a mobile app that offers click & collect and delivery capabilities to its customers. Additionally existing functionalities have been extended to fit required use cases. Our features are designed around the way stores operate with multiple regions and branches which can differ in product offerings, stock levels or prices.

View Guide

Walkthrough Video

Click&Collect & Delivery for any physical stores

  • Demo of entire customer journey from region selection to collecting the order
  • All functionalities from shopping lists to payment
  • Back-end details like store specific prices, product data and stock

Download Feature Catalog

Spryker B2C Capabilities with focus on click&collect
A screenshot of an online grocery shopping cart showing items: XXL-Datterino tomatoes, Apfel Gala, organic eggs, and Coca-Cola. The total price is 29.51€. A green "Zum Checkout" button is visible.

Feature Catalog

Click&Collect – Delivery for Groceries, DIY, Pharmacies, etc.

  • Overview of all click&collect related Spryker features
  • In-depth explanations of all features from Multi-Store to ERP Export
  • Application examples


Download Feature Catalog

A catalog cover titled "Click&Collect - Delivery for Groceries, DIY, Pharmacies, etc. Feature Catalog" with images of tools, groceries, and pharmaceuticals. Published by Spryker System GmbH in May 2020.

Would you like to learn more?

The Spryker Commerce OS is 100% modular, API-based and headless, making it ideal to offer quick solutions for adding click&collect features to your business as well.

Let’s talk about your current challenges today so that you can launch your click&collect MVP in a few weeks already.


Analyst Recognition

  • Gartner Market Guide

    A group of grey antelopes moves together in the upper part of the image, while a single green antelope, reminiscent of a creature from a Boris Lokschin artwork, is separated in the lower left corner.

    Spryker is recognized in the Gartner 2021 market guide for marketplace operations applications.


    View Market Guide

  • Report by IDC and Spryker

    A bald man in a suit speaks to colleagues during a meeting in a glass-walled office. A woman and other people, possibly discussing IDC's latest trends, listen attentively around a table with documents and a small plant.

    Three ways B2B commerce will fundamentally change by 2025. Stay ahead with major player Spryker, as voted by IDC.


    View Report

  • Gartner MQ Press Release

    A group of grey antelopes moves together in the upper part of the image, while a single green antelope, reminiscent of a creature from a Boris Lokschin artwork, is separated in the lower left corner.

    Spryker is the youngest firm ever to be recognized on the Digital Commerce Magic Quadrant and the most visionary of new entrants.


    View Press Release