Monolithic Architecture

This approach refers to software architecture that is composed in one unified model. Most traditional or historical e-commerce stores were built using monolithic architecture.

Geometric dark patterns


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Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs)

Packaged Business Capabilities are an independent assembly of features that are grouped into larger clusters. They are the perfect in-between solution between bulky and slow monolithic applications and small, hard to manage microservices.

Read About PBCs
A laptop displaying a website homepage for Spryker, an office furniture store, featuring a banner to "Upgrade Your Office" and a section with featured products. The sleek design shares similarities with top eCommerce platforms like Magento.
Monoliths, Microservices, And Pbcs
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Monoliths, Microservices, and PBCs… How to Differentiate All Three

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Composable Enterprise And PBCs Feature Image
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Composable Enterprise and PBCs

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A man with glasses, dressed in a light blue shirt, is using a tablet in a room filled with bookshelves and a desk, likely exploring the latest trends in composable commerce.
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Breaking down Composable Commerce

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