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A standing gazelle with long, sharp horns, holding a laptop. The laptop screen displays colorful, abstract streaks of light. The background is bright blue with geometric shapes in various colors, creating a futuristic and vibrant atmosphere.

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Analyst Recognition

  • Gartner Market Guide

    A group of grey antelopes moves together in the upper part of the image, while a single green antelope, reminiscent of a creature from a Boris Lokschin artwork, is separated in the lower left corner.

    Spryker is recognized in the Gartner 2021 market guide for marketplace operations applications.


    View Market Guide

  • Report by IDC and Spryker

    A bald man in a suit speaks to colleagues during a meeting in a glass-walled office. A woman and other people, possibly discussing IDC's latest trends, listen attentively around a table with documents and a small plant.

    Three ways B2B commerce will fundamentally change by 2025. Stay ahead with major player Spryker, as voted by IDC.


    View Report

  • Gartner MQ Press Release

    A group of grey antelopes moves together in the upper part of the image, while a single green antelope, reminiscent of a creature from a Boris Lokschin artwork, is separated in the lower left corner.

    Spryker is the youngest firm ever to be recognized on the Digital Commerce Magic Quadrant and the most visionary of new entrants.


    View Press Release