Geometric dark patterns A laptop displaying a b2b ecommerce website with navigation menus popped out. The website features products and shopping categories.

Technologies - Packaged Business Capabilities

Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs)

Packaged Business Capabilities are an independent assembly of features that are grouped into larger clusters. They are the perfect in-between solution between bulky and slow monolithic applications and small, hard to manage microservices.

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Packaged Business Capabilities at Spryker

Clear Business Value

The purpose of each PBC is to add business value into the system, with a clear definition of benefits and necessities for both business and IT entities, as decisions on new functionalities, products or services should be a joint effort.

Progressive Collaboration

Interdepartmental understanding of business and tech values drives progress and created added value for each stakeholder.

Highly Tailored

Standardized, inflexible and bulky shelfware can be avoided, since PBCs let companies pick what is necessary, while leaving high customization opportunities.

Decreased Costs

PBCs decrease not only complexity but also the Total-Cost-of-Ownership compared to the canonical Microservice approach.

Technically, a PBC is a bounded collection of a data schema and a set of services, APIs and event channels.

Gartner Innovation Insight for Packaged Business Capabilities and Their Role in the Future Composable Enterprise

A peek into Spryker’s PBCs

Product Management

The Spryker Product Management Business Capability encompasses all functionality that is needed to set-up your Product Catalog, like Product Management, Packaging & Measurement Units, Product Relations and Catalog Management. A sophisticated Product Management Capability accelerates your business by organizing your product offerings in a fast and efficient way that fits your customer’s demands.

Image of a tablet screen displaying an online product page for a Parker ballpoint pen with an URBAN Premium S0918400 M refill in blue. The page includes ratings, reviews, and detailed information ideal for any packaged business list.

Order Management System

The powerful Order Management Business Capability gives you full control over fulfillment in your shop and provides a powerful State Machine. Take advantage of an effortless process to fulfill orders quickly and efficiently and increase your customer’s and employee’s satisfaction. A sophisticated Product Management Capability accelerates your business by organizing your product offerings in a fast and efficient way that fits your customer’s demands.

A flowchart depicting the order authorization process in a pharma setting. It starts with "Order is new," proceeds to "Authorization," then branches to "Authorized" or "Invalid," with a fraud check starting under "Authorized.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Manage and keep in touch with all your customers, no matter if B2C, B2B, D2C or Marketplace. All end-customer relations can be handled centrally in Spryker. Enable B2B customers to follow internal workflow and processes while increasing conversion rates and customer satisfaction with B2C focused CRM tools.

A computer screen displays the homepage of an online store called Spryker, featuring navigation options and company information such as address, business units, and their innovative packaged business capabilities.
Geometric shape background

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A black background with seven green outlined diamond shapes of varying sizes positioned diagonally, subtly evoking the precision and interconnectedness crucial in B2B eCommerce.

Digital Commerce Resources

Learn more about Spryker Packaged Business Capabilities

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Digital transformation is taking place at an ever-quickening pace. In order to remain technologically competitive, all organizations benefit from adopting the practices of digitally native companies. One such way of achieving this is through embracing fusion teams.

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Learn what Spryker Packaged Business Capabilities can do for your business.

PBCs, as offered by Spryker, are the fastest and most agile way to approach business setup and development. Join the growing number of companies using PBCs to construct their application experiences and stay ahead in today’s competitive business landscape.