Need for Speed: How Composability can Boost your Time to Market
Learn how composability can help speed up your Time to Market with this useful handout.
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Why You Need to Read this Handout
This handout explains the concept of Time to Market and how composability can speed it up.
Time to Market (TTM)
Strategies for a faster TTM
Composable Commerce
How composability benefits TTM
This handout is for you if you are
Aiming to improve your Time to Market
Interested in Composable Commerce
Interested to learn how composability positively affects Time to Market
Time to Market and its need for speed
Time to Market is the length of time necessary from the initial idea of a product to its delivery on the market. Nowadays, speed has become a crucial success factor in digital commerce as markets are changing at an accelerated pace. Therefore, the shorter your Time to Market is, the more your company will gain a competitive advantage on the market.

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